Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 1: And so it begins...

     I had my bags packed and ready to go for a morning flight on Monday, May 20. My excitement was like that of a child on Christmas morning. I caught my 9:30 flight and was on my way to the Big Apple. This Savannah girl was one step closer to becoming a city girl. I was fully convinced that I was quickly going to be swept into the "luxurious" lifestyle that I knew ALL the New Yorkers had.
Me in the Savannah Airport

      However, that opinion of New York was short lived. As soon as I stepped out of the La Guardia Airport into the hustle and bustle of the taxi line, I knew that I had it all wrong and that this was going to be a HUGE lifestyle change. I was finally able to get in a cab and I can honestly say that ride threw me around more than any roller coaster I have ever been on. I felt a sense of relief when he finally pulled to the curb to let me out at my hotel. My hotel was smaller than I had expected, but it was cheap, so I'm not complaining. It's location is on 94th street n the Upper West Side, and when you stick your head out the window, you get a lovely view of the Hudson River...that is, if you're lucky enough to have a street view room. The neighborhood is relatively quiet and Riverside Park is one block to my left and the subway is one block to my right, so I've got everything I need within walking distance.

My hotel: Hotel Alexander

     I had Tuesday, May 21, as a personal day to find my way around the city. I enjoyed going to Times Square and seeing the bright lights and enjoyed a stroll through Central Park. Of course, every good day doesn't go without its slip-ups. I was attempting a trial run from my hotel to work on the subway. However, being my first time riding the subway, I had no idea that trains go in two directions, I just assumed they had different names for each one. So, my fifteen minute commute to midtown Manhattan turned into a 3 hour subway ride to Coney Island in Brooklyn. I'm trying to just block that experience out of my memory. However, I did finally make my way to finding my office.

     On Wednesday, May 22, it was my big day. My internship officially started at HGTV Magazine. My position title is "Home Intern". I work for the Home Editor, Jen Berno. I had so many emotions built up inside I didn't know what to do with myself! I freaked out about my outfit, hoped they would like me, was worried about the other interns, and just prayed I wouldn't get lost again. However, as soon as I arrived, those nerves went out the window. I felt like I was right where I belonged. Everyone welcomed me and made me feel like they were just so excited I was there. With the magazine being a Hearst Magazine, I assumed I would be working in the Hearst Tower. However, I was surprised to find that our office is behind the Tower in a building called The Sheffield and our studio is located in the Hearst building.
Hearst Tower

The Sheffield

          My first day flew by. I didn't realize that I would be the first intern to start, but it was nice being here alone for a day. I learned a great deal of how things work around the office and how to answer the phones, send messengers for props, fill out UPS forms, mail complimentary issues to people/companies that contributed, and was able to help make a concept board for an upcoming story.
My first concept board of the summer

     Thursday flew by as well. I didn't do too much more than I did on my first day. I mainly just helped out my boss' assistant organize some old issues and stories for my boss. Another intern, Val, started and so we were able to get to know each other a little bit. One really exciting thing that happened was that one of my co-workers invited me to go to the opening of the E.L.F. Makeup grand opening of their store. There was a guest list and so I felt like a total New York VIP!
My friend and I at a Grand Opening Party

   We had a half day on Friday in honor of Memorial Day weekend. We had a staff meeting that morning with bagels and played a game called "High-Low". During this game we went around and said what our high was for the week and our low point of the week. I enjoyed it because I felt like in some way I felt I was on a more personal level with everyone. The day went by quickly as well. I hope next week, they will have more work for me to do. I know I'm completely capable to do as much as they can give me to do. I spent the rest of my afternoon walking along 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue. New York is completely overwhelming but I'm looking forward to what the rest of this summer has in store for me!

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