Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 1: Current Event

HGTV Magazine

     According to a recent article in Ad Age, magazine publishers are starting to "feel the love" from advertisers for their iPad editions of their publications. Many advertising agencies are starting to opt in for this more expensive means of advertising because there is room for great potential growth. The number of people owning tablets as doubled in this past year. However, the downside for advertisers is that paying for ads in both print and iPad. According to the article, the iPad advertisements are producing larger revenue than the print ads. 

     I spoke to a co-worker about her opinion of this article and here is what I've gathered:

     When asked about the implications of this article on our company, she responded, "It sounds like our company is most likely making a small profit from the increase in ad sales. It's a rough market for magazines so any growth-small or big- especially in terms of the digital platform is a step in the right direction. It's a sign that the ever evolving world of magazines is still gaining in terms of digital."

     When asked about the implications of this article on our industry as a whole, she told me the following: "The boost in ad sales has a greater ramification industry-wise than it does company wise. While the gains company-wise are small, industry wise it's a sign that digital is a viable platform for magazines to go on to, and is most likely their best means for sustainability long term wise. Realistically, it doesn't cost a lot of money to 'print' a magazine on the iPad as compared to printing physical copies. Plus, iPad ads can be linked back to their websites so that f the reader sees something they like, they can go directly to the website, which ups reader engagement as a whole. It's an important connection and the fact that it's growing is only going to spur magazines further into the digital world."

     My final question to her was asking her about her personal opinion on this information from the article. She said," I think it's good that they'll be making gains somewhere because it means that there is more likelihood that magazines will survive, even f they will survive in a different form. It means I have a potential job in the future."

Sebastian, M. (2013, June 24) Magazine's iPad Editions See 24% Ad Boost in Q1. Retrieved on June 24, 2013 from 

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