Sunday, July 14, 2013

Current Event 3

HGTV Magazine    

     This article is about how at the National Magazine Awards, not a single women's magazine has been nominated for profile writing in over a decade. This just goes to show that society does not take women's magazines as seriously as they do magazine's directed at men. Many people think that women's magazines are directed towards unimportant topics such as hair and makeup. However, there is actually a good amount of intellectual stories in these magazines. Women's magazines deserve more respect and recognition.
     When I asked my coworker what this meant for our company, she told me that this really doesn't have anything to do with our company specifically. Both sexes read our magazine, so we don't see much prejudice towards our writing. However, on the industry as a whole, this does cause a problem and much resentment between magazines mainly directed at women and those directed at men. It almost is like a dividing line as been drawn between "real" journalism (being the men's magazines) and magazines with articles seen as being written almost as a hobby (these being the women's magazines.) Although women's magazines may not always be covering the same topics as men's, it doesn't make them any less important.
     I then asked her what her opinion was on it, and she told me she felt it was offensive. She took great offense to the fact that if she wanted to write an intellectual article for a women's magazine that it would not be taken seriously by a man, even if it was essentially the same article seen in a GQ. She feels like women's journalism should be given credit for their articles.

Beaujon, Andrew (2013, June 17) Why don't women's magazines earn more National Magazine Awards? Retreived on June 24, 2013 from:

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