Sunday, July 14, 2013

Current Event 5

     HGTV Magazine

     Similar to some of my other current events, this article focuses on the digital age and what it means for the future of magazines. In this article it talks about how the digital articles provide more of reader-writer interaction in the sense that the reader can click a link and automatically be connected with the writer of the article. The trouble in this story is that the digital version is made specifically for an iPad or tablet, which makes it difficult for readers wanting to see it but don't own a tablet. They say that it will still have similar advertisements to the print versions. I feel like most of the current event articles being written about our industry have something to do with the evolving technology.
     I asked my co worker what she thought of all of this. She said that she definitely thinks this is a major topic in our industry and it should be. We are at a crossroads in our industry where companies will have to choose to stick with print or change it up with the times and start going digital. Digital will bring the same if not more benefits as print magazines and ads.
      When I asked her what this meant for our company, she responded with," For our company, we will probably not go digital for some time.We are a new magazine, yet are pretty set in our ways. We will stick to print magazines for as long as our numbers keep climbing up. If we see a major decrease, then maybe we will decide to go a different route,but I don't see that happening anytime soon."
     When I asked her what it meant for our industry, she told me," Our industry has a whole is definitely being effected by this. However, it depends on the target customer of each magazine. The younger reader based companies, will need to consider switching to digital, more so than a company with an older reader base. Digital is the future of our industry, it's just a matter of how quickly companies jump on the bandwagon."

Prewitt, Taylor (2013, July 1) Citygram Magazine emphasizes reader, writer interaction. Retrieved on July 1, 2013 from:

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