Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week 7: Over the half-way mark

Pillows I had to carry from West Elm...heavier
than expected!
     I flew back in on Monday and was supposed to work a half day, but my flight was delayed for 3 hours and prevented me from doing so. It was hard to come back after being at the beach for a few days. I worked Tuesday and Wednesday this week, but we were given Thursday and Friday off to celebrate the holiday. Tuesday and Wednesday were slammed with work. On Tuesday, I took some props over to the studio in Hearst for a shoot for the October issue. It amazes me how early they do photo shoots for each issue. I also went to Party City to pick up some extra things for the photo shoot. Afterwards,I went to a Duane Reade because one of our other shoots needed a bottle of window cleaner. Tuesday afternoon consisted of putting more pictures of houses into our server on the computer and renamed them with their proper addresses. For the remainder of the afternoon, I researched more props for an upcoming kitchen story.

Macy's Fireworks
 Wednesday was my favorite day because I spent the entire day on set at the photo shoot. Although I didn't get to help style the set, I helped bring props to and from the back room for photos and I steamed things so they wouldn't look wrinkled. For the most part, I was able to sit in and see exactly what our stylist was doing and she let me ask her questions if I had any. I really enjoyed learning and seeing exactly how and why they take certain photos for the magazines. I also was treated to lunch in Hearst. The shoot took up the entire day and I even stayed a few minutes later than usual to help clean up. This was definitely my favorite day so far in my internship. I liked it so much more than sitting at my desk researching. I'm learning more and more each day and our stylist has told me that I can help out on another shoot soon.

        I also want to add that the 4th of July in NYC has the most amazing fireworks I have ever seen. Macy's puts them on and it is just an absolutely amazing sight. Most people go to the park near the Hudson river to view them being shot off by the barges, but I joined some friends and watched them from a rooftop. I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to be here for the summer and especially to experience a holiday here. 

The Statue of Liberty reopened on
the 4th of July

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