Saturday, July 20, 2013

Current Event 7

HGTV Magazine

     This article is about a new fashion magazine that is coming out. The focus of this fashion magazine is not supposed to just talk about what is "hot" or the next upcoming trends you should buy before everyone, but rather it is wanting to "create a space to inspire women to live the happy, healthy, integrated lives they want to lead." According to the article, 75% of women feel worse about themselves after reading the fashion magazines that have been on the stands so far. The magazine focuses on women empowerment and not on what their life is lacking. Although some magazines have articles here and there about women gaining control of their lives, this entire magazine will have stories about doing so.

     After my co-worker read the article, she didn't have much to say about it. There have been magazines before who have claimed to be "different"and end up going right along with the status quo and become like the rest of the magazines in their genre. If the magazine does in fact do what it says, then great, but the odds are against them. They may end up becoming a magazine strictly on feminism more so than fashion.

     When I asked her about the implications the article for our company, she informed me that this meant nothing for us. Because we are a house magazine and appeal to both sexes, there are no major implications for us.

     There really wasn't much of a difference between company-wide and industry wide implications. It's just another magazine coming on to the scene. Until it becomes a nationally recognized magazine, it doesn't have an effect on the industry. However, if it does become a widely read magazine, it will mean more competition for fashion magazines--if there wasn't enough already.

    As far as her opinion on the article, she feels that it's great that there is going to be a magazine empowering women, but it will probably focus more on feminism than fashion.

Hoffman, Gabriella(2013, July 12) New Fashion Magazine Encourages Women's Empowerment. Retreived July 12, 2013 from

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