Sunday, July 14, 2013

Current Event 4

     HGTV Magazine

     My current event this week revolves around how technology is changing the role of magazines and advertising. I feel like the evolving technology is changing not only the magazine industry, but most other industries as well. What this article is saying is that print magazines are going to have even more competition with the new digital magazines and articles. In today's society, younger readers are more attracted to these digital copies and the print magazines are for an "older" audience. Although the digital world is becoming more widely used and popular, it seems that more revenue will still come from the "old school" print magazines.
     In talking to my coworkers, none of this has had an effect on our company as of yet, and we aren't too worried about what will happen in our future. We have been gaining readers and don't have a digital copy, so there is no need for us to change anything. As far as the industry goes, it will call for a few changes here and there and many companies will offer both digital and print subscriptions.
     Everyone's opinions on the matter seemed to all be somewhat the same. Everyone feels like this is starting a whole new revolution for the magazine industry, but that it will be a while before everyone converts to digital. Either way, as long as the reader is the main focus, a company will be successful.

Wood, Samantha (2013, July 1) The Changing Role of Magazines from Product to Service. Retreived on July 1, 2013 from:

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