Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week 6: Live a little, Have some fun...

Bookshelves before 
Bookshelves after
     I only worked two days this week because I was given some time off for my family vacation to Destin, FL.  The two days I were there were relatively slow and there wasn't much for me to do. So, I spent most of my time reorganizing our intern room. It's a closet really. There are bookshelves against the wall, that make the room feel even smaller. It often feels really disorganized in this room because there are 6 interns and often times, multiple concept boards are being made at one time in this room and some of the staff places photo shoot props in there for storage. My friend Val and I pushed all of the bookshelves together and reorganized them and the room instantly felt bigger. The office knows me now for being organized. Prior to this week, I had made a calendar, a seating chart of the staff so we know where to go when asked to go by some one's desk, and also a sheet of our cell phone numbers. Everyone has seemed to appreciate it all. I flew out Wednesday to meet my family for our vacation. It was nice to have a few days away from the city. I was able to just relax on the beach and fall asleep to the sound of the waves.


      I can't believe I'm already half way through my internship.  I'm really gaining a deeper knowledge of the industry as a whole as well as the way our company works. I still feel like there's so much left for me to learn though. I've also learned some things about myself while working here. I've learned that I have much better organizational skills and communication skills than I thought prior to my internship. I always felt like I've been a good communicator, but dealing with angry readers as well as different personalities from a completely different culture than I have been raised in has really helped me to grow as a person and communicator. I feel like my greatest abilities lie in researching and organizing items for future stories. I've really enjoyed doing so. I would like to spend more time on photo shoots, so that I may improve my knowledge and abilities of photo styling. So far the photo shoot has been my best experience. My worst experience has been taking props across town to a photo shoot and having more than I could carry and almost dropping everything. The biggest lesson I have learned is that far more goes into each page of a magazine than an average reader would ever imagine.

Cell numbers, Calendar,and Seating Chart that I made for the interns

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