Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week 8: Feeling Rejuvenated

     This week flew by. It probably helped that it was another short week. Every summer, Hearst has "Summer Fridays", where they are given a Friday off here and there throughout the summer. This Friday was our first one, so I was given another long weekend. After having a vacation and then a two day work week, I was feeling like a whole new girl and ready for whatever tasks I was given.
The boxes of props from last
week's photo shoot
     On Monday, I downloaded and printed pictures from a DropBox file that my boss had emailed to me. I also added some more pictures to our server. The pictures I added to the server files were then printed out and I made a concept board for an upcoming story. I made 4 boards on Monday, it was exhausting! In the afternoon, I went over to Hearst and packaged all of the items used in last week's photo shoot back up so that we could return everything to the stores which they came from. My last assignment of the day was to find products on houses we had chosen for Curb Appeal that we could point out in the story. I always assumed that the magazine just asked the homeowner's where everything camefrom, but I learned that it is not that simple. I had to find products offered by different stores so that we could tell the reader where they could buy the particular item that they like.
Washington Park
     Tuesday involved even more printing. My favorite pictures I printed were of a family and before and after shots of their house. It didn't look like the same house! I also felt like I connected with the story of the house by seeing the family that lives there. I continued looking up products for Curb Appeal. I also ran two errands: I went to the Container Store and then to Home Depot to buy products for a DIY project.
     Wednesday wasn't much different from the previous two days. I continued to print pictures, add them to our server, and also continued searching fro Curb Appeal products. I also started to make a board of all the products I found so far for Curb Appeal.
     I started Thursday off with a meeting with my boss. She wanted to see what all I had found so far for the Curb Appeal story. She liked most of it but wanted more options, so I went back to my office and continued to look for more products. I also began to contact the PR Reps for some of the companies who had the products I found. My parents arrived on Thursday as well. They came up since I had Friday off so that they could visit and see my place up here. They had a wonderful time and it was hard to say goodbye. I'm hoping next week involves less sitting at my computer!!
My Sister and me on the subway

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