Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 9: Time Flies When You're having fun

     This week started out at a very fast pace. I was running around everywhere getting last minute items for meetings and photo shoots. I had received a text from my boss on Saturday asking me to check my work email over the weekend. She wanted me to run an errand to pick up some fabric for her before I came into work on Monday. That was an experience! The email said to get some fabric swatches cut and to bring them back to her. I asked the woman at the desk to cut some samples, she did that, however, she didn't label them for me before sticking them in a bag that I brought back to my boss. Not realizing she hadn't labelled them, I took the swatches to my boss, who then asked me to go back to the fabric store and get them to label the different fabrics. When I returned to the office, I spent the afternoon researching products to use on a future DIY story. After I left the office, I went back to the fabric store to pick up more fabric to bring to my boss on Tuesday.

     On Tuesday, my boss sent me on a trip to my new favorite place...the fabric store. This time, instead of grabbing swatches, I was getting 5 yards of the fabric that she had chosen out of all the swatches I had gotten for her. When I returned, I met with my boss regarding all of the items I had found so far for the Curb Appeal story and she chose the things that she wanted to feature in the magazine.  After lunch, I continued Monday's research for the DIY project. My last task of the day was to create a Google Doc for my Curb Appeal items that included the company, prices, website, item, and a contact for the company.

Sitting in our adirondack chair
     Luckily, I didn't have to go out in the heat any more for the rest of the week. In Wednesday, I began contacting companies for images and information regarding the items I had selected for Curb Appeal. My boss also send me a bunch of Dropbox pictures which I printed out and loaded onto our server. Later, another intern and I put together an adirondack chair for a future photo shoot. My last task of the day involved bringing props back over to the office from the studio in Hearst.

     On Thursday, I made my first paint sheet. This involves cutting out a paint swatch and writing the name and number of the paint that is needed for the item. I also contacted some more PR representatives for information for some of the items to be used in the DIY story. I also printed some more photos and loaded them onto our server. I continued working on my Curb Appeal story. I called around in different states getting price estimated for roofing so I could get an average price. I continued updating my Google Doc. I also continued looking for items that could possible be used.

     Friday was pretty busy as well. It mainly involved just working on Curb Appeal. I continued looking for items and contacting companies all day. I didn't realize how hard it is to get in contact with some people! I was excited when my boss brought me a cookie in the afternoon. It was the cutest cookie I've ever seen and looked like a front door.

     I am hoping next week that I will finish up with Curb Appeal. I'm very excited for next week because I will get to see a cover shoot for our October issue.
My front door cookie


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